Joost 0.9 [en]

JoostThe new major version is out for the beta testers.
The content has not changed but the interface is updated:
The contents and the interface are updated:

  • Some new channel
  • New login username: attention you must select a username to replace the email at the first login
  • New channel catalog explorer
  • New Widget design
  • Invitations from the “My Joost” page

I’ve also some invitations for new users!
Ho pure qualche invito per dei nuovi utenti!
J’ai aussi des invitations pour des nouveaux utilisateurs!

The invitations are alls assigned!
Gli inviti sono esauriti!
Les invitations sont toutes assigneées!

CC BY-NC-SA 4.0 <span lang='en'>Joost 0.9 <span class='bb-lang'>[en]</span></span> by Luca Palli is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.






6 responses to “Joost 0.9 [en]

  1. pino Avatar

    cerco un invito per Joost,se ce ne hai ancora uno grazie.ciao

  2. Alex - Microsmeta Avatar

    ..Non resisto più all’attesa, vista pure l’impossibilità in Italia di usare alternative
    come Zattoo…

    Non è che avresti un invito a Joost anche per me?

  3. Rafa Avatar

    please, send me a invitation if you can. Thanks

  4. el_nota Avatar

    I would like an inivtation, thanks.

  5. pino Avatar

    ti ringrazio per l’invito a Joost ricevuto.ciao da Varese

  6. […] of the P2P distribution mode: before the content … Zattoo: maggiore spazio pubblicitario …Joost 0.9 | Video Monte CeneriThe new major version is out for the beta testers. The content has not changed but the interface is […]