- iTunes 7.1: this new version support the incoming Apple TV, the analysis of the resources shows new movies meta-data, ratings tags for Australia, Canada, Ireland, New Zealand, and the United Kingdom for movies and TV shows, phone synchronization (iPhone ?), voice mails and games on Apple TV, Aperture images support, … [source] [source]
- Babelgum: a Joost concurrent on IPTV. [source] [source]
- Movie Time: a free simple movie player for Mac OS X. [source]
- Pinnacle PCTV To Go: a home streaming solution. [source]
- DisplayPort and UDI: two competitors to the HDMI connection format. [source]
- Podcast on Democracy, Joost and Zattoo: an Italian speaking podcast over some Web TV solutions. [source]
<span lang='en'>News – 06.03.2007 <span class='bb-lang'>[en]</span></span> by Luca Palli is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.