- SLOBSERVER: Television news from and on Second Life in french. [source]
- Babelgum: a new P2P TV concurrent to Joost from an Italian and UK join venture. [source]
- Cuts – Share Your Take: a web based video editor using YouTube an MySpace videos. [source]
- mux video transcoder: a simple web converter for video formats. [source]
- vdiddy: a video aggregator from 9 video sharing sites. [source]
<span lang='en'>News – 04.02.2007 <span class='bb-lang'>[en]</span></span> by Luca Palli is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.
One response to “News – 04.02.2007 [en]”
Interesantissimo questo blog. Non abbandonare il progetto, ti seguo via feed.